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Wir haben uns der Transparenz verpflichtet.

Wir glauben an langfristige Partnerschaften, Nachhaltigkeit und Transparenz. Ob auf Kundenseite oder mit unseren Produzenten – die Mission bleibt die gleiche: Wir liefern hochqualitatives, pharmazeutisches Cannabis für den Einsatz bei Therapien chronischer Krankheiten und tragen somit aktiv dazu bei, die Lebensqualität der Patienten zu verbessern.

Höhere Standards, bessere Qualität.

Wir sind ein in Deutschland nach § 52a des Arzneimittelgesetzes (AMG) lizenzierter pharmazeutischer Arzneimittelgroßhändler und Importeur, mit der Erlaubnis zum Umgang mit Betäubungsmitteln nach § 3 des Betäubungsmittelgesetzes (BtMG) von hochwertigen medizinischen Cannabisprodukten. Neben einem behördlich zertifizierten Qualitätssicherungssystem nach GMP- und GDP-Standards, verfügen wir über sämtliche Genehmigungen, um Cannabis für medizinische Zwecke nach Deutschland zu importieren, distribuieren und innerhalb der Europäischen Union zu exportieren.


«Qualitätscannabis –

Innovation, Zuverlässigkeit und stabile Versorgung.»»

Unsere Werte

Ehrlichkeit & Integrität.

Ehrlichkeit, Kommunikation und Integrität ist alles, was es für eine erfolgreiche und langfristige Beziehung braucht. Geschäftlich, wie auch privat. Es geht nicht darum, Recht zu haben sondern darum, das Richtige zu tun.


Wir entscheiden uns für Neugier statt Unsicherheit, wenn es um die vor uns liegenden Herausforderungen geht. Wir machen die Dinge anders und tragen zu einer positiven Veränderung in unserer Branche bei. Dabei halten wir uns an alle Richtlinien und handeln nach ethnischen Grundsätzen.

Stabilität & Sicherheit.

Wir verstehen uns als zuverlässigen Partner für Großhändler, Apotheken, Ärzte und Kliniken weltweit. Deshalb steht die kontinuierliche Versorgung unserer Kunden und die Gewährleistung der pharmazeutischen Qualität unserer Produkte im Mittelpunkt. Nur so können wir die Patientensicherheit garantieren, auf die wir zu jeder Zeit besonderen Wert legen.

Schön, Sie kennenzulernen.

Team Member Liliane Hopf Managing Director
Team Member
Liliane Hopf
Managing Director

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

Team Member Hugo Txxxx Head of Supply-Chain
Team Member
Hugo Txxxx
Head of Supply-Chain

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

Team Member Andrea GallXX Quality Person
Team Member
Andrea GallXX
Quality Person

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

Team Member Andrew D. Petronanos Head of Strategy
Team Member
Andrew D. Petronanos
Head of Strategy

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

Team Member
Sarah P. Petronanos
Head of Brand

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

Team Member XXXXXXXX Backoffice
Team Member

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

Team Member XXXXX Advisor
Team Member

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

Team Member XXXX Advisor
Team Member

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie.

Unser Team ist stets auf der Suche nach neuen Partnern, fruchtbaren Kollaborationen und anderen Großhändlern, mit denen wir gemeinsam wachsen und den Cannabis-Markt stärken können. Interessiert?